
A New Look at an Old Controversy

      Who was Charles Darwin and what was he trying to prove? For more than a century now, his theory of evolution has dominated the world of science and impacted every sector of modern society. From elementary school through graduate school, in our most esteemed colleges and universities, there is only one acceptable theory of human origins — the exalted and inviolate theory of Charles Darwin.
      But what is the theory really? Why is it given such deference, to the point that no other theories may be presented in our schools? Was Darwin really the greatest scientist who ever lived? Did his single under-graduate degree in theology prepare him for such a role? Or was it simply speculation based on a fanciful idea from his atheist grandfather? 
      At the formidable age of 150 years, Darwin's theory is facing serious challenges as many distinguished scientists are changing their minds. There is no evidence in the fossil record of the kinds of transformation Darwin describes, and the claim there is uniformity of belief in the science community regarding Darwinian evolution is simply untrue.
      As this book reveals, hundreds of scientists have begun speaking out about problems with the theory, while researchers in Intelligent Design are producing breathtaking new discoveries at the frontiers of modern science.

Over the past century, millions have been snared by Darwin’s claims, and millions more have lost not only their faith in God but their hope of a life worth living. The evolutionary hypothesis promises only a lifelong struggle leading to death and eternal annihilation. But as we enter the third decade of a new century, things are changing.

As Jim Nelson Black points out in these pages the dictatorship of Darwinism is about to run its course. This important book will give you a new appreciation for the marvels of a world that cannot be contained in the naturalistic and self-serving formulas of secular humanism, along with a compelling reaffirmation of the awe and grandeur of God’s magnificent creation.


As a scientist you grow to assume that science will answer everything and that religion is fictional. There are mysteries that science cannot explain ... and divine inspiration may be a rational explanation.”
Dr. Andrew Parker, Biologist, Oxford University

The spiritual worldview provides another way of finding truth. Scientists who deny this would be well advised to consider the limits of their tools.”
Dr. Francis S. Collins, Geneticist and Director, National Institutes of Health

"Jim Nelson Black reveals Darwinism as it really is, a speculative worldview founded on pseudoscience with terrible consequences... Ultimately, true science and true religion have the same Author."
Dr. J. Grady Crosland, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences

See The Death of Evolution
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Available in Bookstores and Online, from Zondervan Publishers


Is America a Nation on the Brink?

It’s no secret that America is facing serious challenges today, including the ongoing collapse of public and higher education, rising crime rates, and an economy in full crisis mode, to name just a few. But could such conditions be fatal? Could they be indicators that the United States may be in decline, or that we may be headed for some sort of calamity in the years just ahead?

    History is littered with the remains of ancient empires. Prowling among the ruins has provided employment for legions of scientists, archaeologists, and tour guides — and even makes for some rousing Hollywood scripts, as the Indiana Jones films attest. But when we’re confronted by signs of decay within our own culture, and when so many resonant parallels with great empires of the past ring out from the pages of history, we have to wonder: Why do great nations die? How can such vast wealth simply disappear? And what does all this say about the chances for our own civilization?
In an important study of decadence in modern society, British scholar C. E. M. Joad said that luxury, skepticism, weariness, superstition, and preoccupation with self are unmistakable signs of decline. In a similar study, C. Northcote Parkinson offered six symptoms of decline: they included over-centralized government, inordinate growth in taxation, a top-heavy system of administration, promotion of the wrong people, the urge to overspend, and a rise of “liberal opinion” — by which he meant the popularization of policies determined by sentiment rather than sound moral judgment. 

Do these symptoms sound familiar? Could our own culture already be in the latter stages of decline? Is it possible that this nation, once regarded as the foremost economic and military power in the world, could go the way of Greece and Rome?

In this 1994 classic, Jim Nelson Black writes that every great society arises from a unique set of customs, behaviors, and belief, and the most enduring have been those that understood the need to preserve their great traditions. They saw this as their raison d’être. But history also reveals that any societiy that loses sight of its “reason for existence” invariably degenerate into chaos and anarchy. Accordingly, losing our high view of the heritage passed down to us by the American Founders is to place everything we treasure at risk.

Cultures and governments change over time, but human nature has changed hardly at all from what it was 6,000 years ago in the flowering of ancient Egypt, or 2,500 years ago in the Golden Age of Carthage, or Greece, or Rome. And what we can learn from those fallen empires should be instructive, if we are willing to listen. Fifty years ago, Arnold Toynbee examined the record of twenty-one great fallen societies and found that the patterns of decline were consistent in each of them. Now more than ever we need to heed these vital warnings.

In his most famous work, A Study of History, he warned that modern society is on a collision course with destiny, and only a profound intellectual and moral renewal can save us from a tragic collapse. The challenges ahead may be dangerous and demanding, but the message of this book is that there is still hope if we will heed the lessons of history and react in time. When Nations Die offers "Ten Warning Signs" of impending crisis along with a number of salutary responses and remedies.

“Jim Nelson Black writes with a rich sense of history and a deft treatment of modern issues. 'When Nations Die' is thought-provoking and powerful.”
          — Dr. Os Guinness, Author, The American Hour 
”The analogy between the decadence of ancient civilizations and the decadence of our own culture is striking and dreadfully true.”
          — Dr. Russell Kirk, Author, The Roots of American Order
“Brilliant ... Thoroughly documented and persuasively presented, the message of 'When Nations Die' is one which is needed now.”
          — Dr. D. James Kennedy, Author, Character and Destiny
   CLICK HERE to read Probe Book Review: "When Nations Die" by Kerby Anderson.





By Stephen E. Strang


Even for those who worked hardest for his election, the realization that New York billionaire Donald Trump actually won the race for the White House struck like an earthquake, and the aftershocks have continued ever since the inauguration. The tremors can be felt in politics, business, foreign affairs, and the culture in many surprising ways.

No one in either party had given much thought to what the world would look like if Hillary lost, but Donald Trump won, and suddenly everything changed.The Obama era is finished and Trump’s economy is booming, breaking so many records the New York Times had to admit in June 2018 they had “run out of words” to describe the incredible success of the economy under his leadership.

Despite violent counter attacks from the Left, the American people are behind this president and his plan to “make America great again.” With incisive research into dozens of key social and cultural issues, this book documents what has happened since the 2016 election and how the Trump aftershock is impacting America and the world today.


God and Donald Trump

By Stephen E. Strang

"One way to get President Donald Trump to stop and talk at the World Economic Forum: wield a book about him. On his way into the World Economic Forum, Trump stopped and talked for about ten seconds to one delegate who was brandishing a copy of “God and Donald Trump” by Stephen E. Strang. He then proceeded to hold the book aloft in his left hand."
-- Associated Press
With pundits asking, “How did he win?” this book explores whether there was a supernatural element involved. Christian leaders prophesied before the election that God had raised up Donald Trump to lead the nation through a time of crisis. But could this billionaire reality-TV star actually convince the voters he was for real? If so, what is God doing now not only in Donald’s Trump’s life, but also in the nation?
Trump is an enigma, a brash self-promoter, casino owner, and man of the world. Yet he is also a devoted husband and father who has surrounded himself with men and women of faith and has made religion a key component of his image.

God and Donald Trump is a powerful first-person account of one of the most contentious elections in American history, with exclusive interviews and insightful commentary from the men and women who were there.



By Iraqi General Georges Sada


Gen. Georges Sada was one of Saddam Hussein’s top military advisors, an acclaimed fighter pilot, and a truth-teller in a regime where truth was relative. Born and raised in the Assyrian provinces of northern Iraq, Georges was also a Christian in a predominantly Muslim country and never joined the ruling Baath Party. 

Now, for the first time in this new book, General Georges Sada is breaking silence to tell the story of his amazing journey, speaking openly about military secrets known only to those closest to Saddam, including how Saddam's WMDs were hidden and where they are today.

From his years of wartime military service, to his dramatic encounters with Saddam and military and political leaders, Sada was able to play a dramatic role in the War on Terror, and he was the man who saved the lives of the forty coalition pilots shot down over Iraq during the first Gulf War.

The Coming Revolution

Richard G. Lee


It has often been said that the best indicator of the future is history. How things have been in the past can be a powerful indicator of how they will be in coming years. But what will our role be in shaping the future of this country? In The Coming Revolution, Christian author and scholar Dr. Richard G. Lee explores the signs of a coming revolution brought about by the warfare of ideologies in America today.

A Second American Revolution could burst forth in the streets of the nation, as we’ve seen in Europe, South America, and other parts of the world, or it could take place in the courts or in the voting booth. Whatever the form and consequence of this impending change, signs from our nation’s past and present ring out with the truth that a revolution is near at hand.

Using this country’s rich history of liberty and democracy as a roadmap, Dr. Lee shows where we may be headed. From his wide-ranging analysis of our the early history of this nation and the war of faith and reason waged by the Colonists to his experiences in Communist Russia, the author brings thoughtful clarity to the ever-growing probability of dramatic changes that lie just ahead and the forces pushing the nation ever closer to a dramatic and climactic confrontation.

   The Coming Revolution is “ a powerful reminder about why America is great and worth fighting for.” — Lt. Col. Oliver L. North, USMC (Ret.)
   Within this book Dr. Richard Lee clearly reveals how the intolerable conditions enforced upon the American people ... will lead to a certain and powerful explosion of predictable consequences.” — Michael Reagan


From Power to Purpose

By Sen. Sam Brownback



Former Senator Sam Brownback grew up in the heart of America’s heartland. Raised on a family farm in southeastern Kansas, he became president of Future Farmers of America in that state, student body president at Kansas State University, and a young lawyer specializing in agricultural law. He then served as Secretary of Agriculture in Kansas and a White House Fellow, until a remarkable series of events propelled him into the United States Congress where he has made a name for himself as a "compassionate conservative."

Today, as Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom, Sam Brownback is a vocal supporter of the conservative principles and the social policies that made the Reagan years seem like “Morning in America.” Inspired by the examples of reformers such as William Wilberforce, who helped end the slave trade, and Mother Teresa of Calcutta, he has taken on the challenge of finding practical and responsible solutions to some of our most intractable problems.

In this book, the author shows why he is one of the most inspiring spokesman for conservative principles..It is the story of a man with a deep sense of mission and a passion to serve. It is also the story of a spiritual and emotional awakening, born out of adversity, that has grown into a vision shared by millions all across America to restore the faded glory of this great nation.