Jim Nelson Black is senior analyst with Sentinel Research Associates and former executive director of The Wilberrforce Forum in Washington, DC. An author, educator, and researcher, he has written six books on social and cultural issues, and directed dozens of research projects over the past twenty-five years involving education, law, public policy, current affairs, and issues of faith.
In addition to his most recent investigative works, The Death of Evolution and Freefall of the American University, he is author of the acclaimed 1994 volume, When Nations Die, subtitled "Ten Warning Signs of a Culture in Crisis." This seminal work examines the historic and persistent patterns of decline in great empires past and present. He has written a concise illustrated history of the clash between secular and Christian worldviews, America Adrift, which explores the ideologies that have put America's cultural and moral heritage at risk. He has also served as editor, writer, or collaborator on more than forty books with celebrities, public figures, and prominent religious leaders.
Dr. Black earned a Ph.D. in the University of Texas system and completed his doctoral studies and dissertation research at the University of Paris, Sorbonne. He is a recipient of the Medaille Vermeil of the Société Academique Arts–Sciences–Lettres of the French Academy. He has appeared on more than 400 radio and television broadcasts, and has spoken to numerous civic, professional, and college audiences on issues of faith and culture.
CLICK HERE to see the interview with "Fox & Friends" hosts E.D. Hill and Brian Kilmeade at the FOX studios in New York, about Dr. Black's eye-opening book, Freefall of the American
University. (Length 3:48)
The Death of Evolution
“Jim Nelson Black reveals Darwinism as it really is, a speculative worldview founded on pseudoscience with terrible consequences... Ultimately, true science and true religion have the same Author.” — Dr. J. Grady Crosland, University ofArkansas for Medical Sciences
“The spiritual worldview provides another way of finding truth. Scientists who deny this would be well advised to consider the limits of their tools.” — Dr. Francis S. Collins, Geneticist and Director of the National Institutes of Health
Freefall of the American University
“A comprehensive and properly alarming picture
of the state of the contemporary university.”
— Academic Questions,
Journal of the National
Association of Scholars
"A wide ranging and devastating indictment
of American higher education. The inescapable conclusion is that the
American university is hollow, and worse than hollow, dangerous to the
students who arrive seeking knowledge."
— Hugh Hewitt, bestselling
author, radio
host, and law professor
"Freefall of the American University
is a reasoned, articulate, and provocative look at the radicalization of
our campuses and the perversion of basic educational goals in today's
university system. Freefall deserves a place on the bookshelf of
every concerned American: student, parent, or taxpayer. This is our
higher education system, and it's time to take it back."
— Ben Shapiro, syndicated
columnist and author
"A worthy contribution to the growing
literature documenting the devastation wreaked on our schools by
leftwing professors and educators."
— David Horowitz,
Center for the Study of
Popular Culture
When Nations Die
“Jim Nelson Black writes with a rich sense of history and a deft treatment of modern issues. When Nations Die is thought-provoking and powerful.” — Dr. Os Guinness, Author, The American Hour; The Call
”The analogy between the decadence of ancient civilizations and the decadence of our own culture is striking and dreadfully true.” — Dr. Russell Kirk, Author, The Roots of American Order
“Brilliant ... Thoroughly documented and persuasively presented, the message of When Nations Die is one which is needed now.” — Dr. D. James Kennedy, Author, Character and Destiny
“A lucid and revealing analysis of how great civilizations have died, and a practical prescription for avoiding their fate. Timely, provocative, and essential reading.” — Dr. William Kirk Kilpatrick, Author, Psychological Seduction